) Preventative Pediatric Dentistry in Upper East Side, NY

+Preventative Pediatric Dentistry in Upper East Side, NY

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According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, every child should see a dentist by the time they get their first tooth. The first dental visit should take place no later than the child’s first birthday. Helping your child get into the habit of regular dental visits early in life will set positive dental habits that will extend into adulthood. Routine dental cleanings and exams are necessary to help ensure that your child maintains a healthy mouth and good oral hygiene. Although care at home is also important, professional dental cleanings will help remove plaque build-up that can occur despite the best brushing and flossing methods.

During a routine check-up, the teeth of your child will be polished to remove any plaque build-up or tartar. Your child will be given a fun toothpaste flavor and allowed to watch a kid-friendly movie during the entire cleaning process. Our staff will also spend time going over the dietary needs of your child along with daily brushing and flossing routines. We will also give tips on how to properly brush and floss and what foods are best to eat.

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