All posts | January 15, 2024

InBrace vs Traditional Braces

by Karin Grinbaum

InBrace vs Traditional Braces: Which Are Right for Your Smile?

Are you considering orthodontic treatment but want a solution that is discreet? InBrace and traditional braces are two of the most effective options to straighten your teeth. But how do you choose between InBrace hidden braces or traditional braces? Here's an in-depth look at the pros and cons of each to help you decide.

What are InBrace Hidden Braces?

InBrace uses innovative clear brackets and tooth-colored wires to straighten your teeth. The brackets are much smaller than traditional braces and blend right into your teeth. The wires are also designed to move your teeth quickly and efficiently into proper alignment.

InBrace delivers results faster than traditional braces. Most patients see improvements in just a few weeks. And unlike clear aligners, you won't need to keep swapping out retainers. InBrace gives you a fixed solution with brackets bonded permanently to each tooth during your treatment.

Benefits of InBrace Hidden Braces


InBrace is practically invisible. The clear brackets blend right into your teeth, and the tooth-colored wires are very discreet. This makes InBrace an excellent choice if you're concerned about the appearance of traditional metal braces but want faster results than clear aligners provide.


You'll start seeing improvements in just weeks with InBrace. The brackets use gentle continuous force to shift your teeth quickly. Treatment time averages 12-18 months, which is less than traditional braces.


InBrace feels similar to wearing traditional braces. The lightweight brackets and smooth wires are comfortable. And you'll avoid constantly inserting and removing clear aligner trays.

Effective Results

InBrace straightens your teeth just as well as traditional braces. The custom-designed brackets work on all types of cases from minor to complex. You'll have a stunning new smile once treatment is complete.

What are Traditional Braces?

Traditional braces use metal or ceramic brackets connected by wire. The orthodontist attaches a bracket to each tooth and then threads the wire through, allowing continuous gentle pressure to shift your teeth. Traditional braces are the most common type of fixed orthodontic treatment.

Benefits of Traditional Braces

Proven Effectiveness

Traditional braces have decades of clinical research proving they straighten smiles safely and effectively. They can correct all types of cases, from simple to very complex. You're guaranteed great results.

Orthodontist Oversight

With braces, your treatment is actively managed each step of the way by your orthodontist. They'll make wire and bracket adjustments at each visit to optimize the force guiding your teeth into proper position.

Handles Complex Cases

Traditional braces have the flexibility to treat even very complex cases involving significant misalignment. Custom wire bending and additional tools like rubber bands give orthodontists numerous options for moving teeth.

Long-Lasting Results

Teeth moved by braces tend to stay in their new corrected positions permanently. Proper retention after treatment helps ensure your smile will stay beautiful for years.

Key Differences Between InBrace and Traditional Braces

InBrace Traditional Braces
Clear or tooth-colored brackets & wires Metal or ceramic brackets & wires
Subtle appearance Obvious appearance
Faster treatment time Longer treatment time
Low profile Bracket shape protrudes
Smooth rounded wires Square or rectangular wires
Excellent aesthetics Moderate aesthetics*
Average 12-18 months treatment Average 18-24 months treatment

*Ceramic braces offer better aesthetics than metal

Which Are Right for Your Smile Transformation?

InBrace and traditional braces both effectively straighten smiles. Choosing which option is right for you depends on your personal treatment goals and preferences.

InBrace offers superior aesthetics with nearly invisible braces. This makes it an excellent choice if appearance is a top concern. InBrace is also faster, taking 6 months less on average. Traditional braces have a longer treatment time but handle the widest range of complex cases. They also provide maximum oversight and control by your orthodontist. And they deliver proven long-term results.

Schedule an exam at Smiles and Grins Orthodontics to discuss your case. Our top Manhattan orthodontist will evaluate your teeth and alignment. They'll advise you on whether InBrace hidden braces or traditional braces are best suited to transform your smile beautifully and efficiently.

FAQs about InBrace and Traditional Braces

Still have some questions about InBrace and traditional braces? Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

Are InBrace hidden braces painful?

InBrace feels similar to traditional braces. You may have mild soreness for a few days after adjustments. Over-the-counter pain medication can help relieve any discomfort.

Can InBrace fix severe alignment issues?

InBrace can correct moderate to severe alignment problems. But traditional braces are better suited for the most complex cases requiring extensive tooth movements.

Do I still need to avoid certain foods with InBrace?

Yes, you'll need to avoid sticky, hard or chewy foods that could damage the brackets with InBrace. Your orthodontist will provide complete diet guidelines.

How often are adjustments needed?

You'll need monthly adjustments with both InBrace and traditional braces. More frequent changes may be necessary at the start of treatment.

Can I get colored elastics with InBrace?

Yes, you can request colored o-rings to customize your InBrace hidden braces. Traditional metal braces also offer color customization options.

How long will I need to wear retainers after?

You'll likely need to wear retainers full-time for 6 months and then nightly for at least a year. Proper retention keeps your teeth stable in their new positions.